Saturday, February 12, 2011


File under work events I couldn't pass up: dinner on the vendors at Buddakan. Everyone loves the edamame dumplings here, and of course N ended up ordering six plates of it. The chocolate souffle cake was also amazing paired with jasmine tea ice cream.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

consider the tires slashed

We were looking to have a low-key brunch today, but ended up racking up quite the bill at Fig & Olive... what a delicious progression of misjudgment.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

an early breslin birthday

J treated me to an early birthday dinner at The Breslin on Friday night in order to introduce me to scrumpets and the "scotch egg". Both were delicious, as was the special of the night - poached and milk-potato-fried cod with fried garlic, capers, parsley, and chilies. We topped that all off with a glass of Allagash and ended on the banana pudding with cinnamon crunchies (Breslin terminology, not mine).

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Do you ever crave color the way you crave food? No? Just me then? Alright.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

are you telling me you built a time machine... out of a DeLorean?

Playing a little 2010 catch-up with photos from Boston, right before NYE.

All-out midnight snacks; lucky weather our entire trip; amazing breakfasts every morning while watching Bravo and learning about desperate energy.

Central; 12:00:00 1/1/2011; holiday disco ball; Newbury.

polar bear in a snowstorm

Enjoying an ice-cold drink while taking shelter in a warm restaurant during the dead of winter is akin to snuggling under thick sheets while blasting the A/C on a hot summer day. Hurry up, spring.